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Alexei Navalny Alive

In 1993, Navalny received his secondary school diploma from Kalininets (ISCED level 3) Navalny earned a law degree from the People’s Friendship University of Russia in 1998.

He completed his studies in 2001 at the Financial University run by the Russian Federation’s government, where he focused on securities and exchanges. 2010, Navalny was given a scholarship at Yale University’s Yale World Fellows program.

Alexei Navalny Alive

The chairman of the regional Public Monitoring Commission told the the Russian news agencies, the Alexei has been moved to IK-6 prison in the village of Melekhovo in the Vladimir region, this prison is noted for maximum security.

Navalny was found guilty for embezzlement of government funds, he was accused of conspiring to steal timber from Kirovles, a state-owned company in Kirov Oblast, in 2009.

Who Is Alexi Navalny?

Navalny was born on June 4, 1976, he is a Russian opposition figure, advocate against corruption, and lawyer, Navalny organized anti-government protests and ran for office.

Navalny served as a member of the Russian Opposition Coordination Council, he is the leader of the Russia of the Future party and founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Navalny was recognized by Amnesty International as a prisoner of conscience.

Alexei Navalny Alive
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