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Half of loaf is better than none but this one seemingly indirect insult

Leadership of TUC is a total failure!! Those so called conditions, never condition except for 2. rather responsibility of government and even that is just scarecrow posture
What betterment 4% base pay which will be taxed gonna do in the life of ordinary Ghanaian worker with meagre salary?
Monthly salary of 450 × 0.04 = 18 – tax. What gonna left?

Half of loaf is better than none but this one seemingly indirect insult. Picturing the ‘high’ Calibre of people around the round table and outcome clearly said it all. Nothing, absolutely nothing has change per government initial stands. Politicians sold their conscience and unionist exceptionally not.
If is the case that judges salary is increased retrogressive 2017, MPs ex-gratia increased from GHS450,000 to GHS600,000, executives own increment and renumeration, government manner of spending tax payers money, increase in taxes and goods and services plus others then is a pity leaderships spent whopping three or more months but only come out with gangantuan failure of 4% as increment
May the name of Kofi Asamoah, former general Secretary of TUC be praised. He did his best for workers. Now the writing on the wall is clear.
The worst enemy of workers is article 71 holders and the constitution. Until oppressor, the constitution is change the youth shall continue to wallow in abject poverty.

Half of loaf is better than none but this one seemingly indirect insult

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