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Manifestation meditation to try as portal opens on 8/8

The Lion Gate will open on 8/8. This day brings a lot of positive energy and we have details on some of the meditations you can try to enhance the ritual.

After the new moon and the spiritual energy he had with it, people could now enjoy another day of positive energy as the Lion Gate opens on 8/8.

This day is auspicious for anyone who wants to appear in his life.

What is the Lion Gate aka 8/8 . Gate?

The Lion Gate opens every year on 8/8 and brings with it a lot of positive energy. It is considered a great day of manifestations as the gate opens during the month of the lion, a sign known for its strength and pride.

With spiritual energy reaching its peak, this is a good thing for determining your aspirations. To add to this, the number 8 also indicates infinity, that is, the abundance of everything positive.

If you are someone who has been looking to start a new journey in your life, now is the time to show it.

Meditation is a manifestation of trying

For those of you who are confused about where to start your looks, we’re here to walk you through it all. However, before you begin, it is important to understand how you can be in the right frame of mind to make sure that the universe hears all of your aspirations.

To do this, it is important to meditate. This is done to ensure that you are able to focus on your aspirations and give life to your thoughts. One of the easiest ways to do this is to play some relaxing music to help you focus.

You can choose to play white noise, pink noise, or any music that helps you relax. People have said that white noise, which sounds like ocean waves, proves to be the best for focus. However, it varies from person to person, so we suggest you choose the one that works best for you.

Once your choice of sound is ready, take a few breaths and focus. You can also light some candles if that helps you better.

As you mediate the look, make sure that you are calm and focused on your aspirations.

how to appear

TikTok is promoting 369 method. If you want to follow along, we have all the details below:

  1. Choose the three affirmations you want in your life. It doesn’t have to be limited to something specific and it can be anything you want to achieve in your life.
  2. Once you have your aspirations, you have to either say or write these things down on a piece of paper six times. This is done to make sure the universe hears your thoughts and helps you turn them into reality.
  3. Finally, visualize yourself with these affirmations for nine seconds. Make it as accurate and realistic as possible.

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Manifestation meditation to try as portal opens on 8/8
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