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What comes once in a year twice in a month riddle answer and explanation revealed

People have puzzled people for years, and it’s a great way to test your common knowledge, problem-solving skills, and most of all, patience.

The latest puzzle that baffles everyone on the Internet is the “what comes once a year twice a month” puzzle, which has proven to be difficult to solve.

Fortunately, we have the answer and explanation below, so you can not only find out the answer, but explain to others how to get there.

What comes once a year twice in a month puzzle


What comes once a year, twice a month, 4 times a week and 6 times a day?


odd numbers.

What comes once a year twice a month puzzle explained

To understand why the answer is single numbers, you have to break down each piece of the puzzle.

In a year, there are 12 months. The number 1 appears in this figure once.

In a month there are four weeks, two of which are odd (the first week and the third week).

A week seven days. Four of these are odd (1,3,5,7).

In a day there are 12 hours (in 12-hour format). Six of these hours are odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11).

So, the answer is the odd numbers, is there one per year, two per month, four per week, six per day.

The photo was taken in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Another puzzle to try


A barrel of water weighs 60 lbs. What do you have to put in it to weigh 40 pounds?




Anything you add to the barrel will only add weight to the 60 pounds. You can’t turn or pour any of the water, you can just put something in the barrel to reduce the weight, so what can you do?

You can add a hole to the barrel. This will drain the water and reduce the weight. This is important because you are still technically putting something in the barrel, as you can say “I put a hole in that barrel.”

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What comes once in a year twice in a month riddle answer and explanation revealed
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