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Who is Jasmine White 403 on TikTok?

There seems to be a new trend and a TikTok star every day, Jasmine White 403 is the latest popular TikToker.

Jasmine White 403 has received more than 61.6 million views on the TikTok app.

Who is Jasmine White 403 on TikTok?

TikTok user with the name 403- Karim Atawi It spreads quickly.

Although the original video uploaded by the user is lost, many other users share recorded copies of it.

In the viral video, Jasmine White 403 was seen eating a whole raw chicken in front of the camera.

Since the original user account has been blocked, per distractsThe original video cannot be viewed.

Another account under the name jasmine It also appeared.

In this account, the user is seen taking bites of a whole raw fish.

The caption for this video is: “Today I was feeling a little suspicious?”

Many users are now posting videos of other people’s reactions to their username search.

What do people say about white jasmine 403?

People are commenting on many videos that show White Jasmine 403 eating raw food items.

Some users react carelessly while others are horrified by the video.

One user commented: “You’ll meet Ms Sal Monella”

A separate user wrote: “I’m just going to pretend it’s one of those hyperrealistic cupcakes.

It is not clear why the user account does not exist on TikTok or why the chicken video was removed.

Some users commented on the video’s other stitches that they regretted looking at the viral trend.

The viral content reached Twitter until one user wrote: “Everyone who told me to watch Jasmine White 403 Tik-tok. I hate you all”

Can you get sick from eating raw chicken?

Although the TikTok video has gone viral, it is never safe to eat or eat raw chicken.

Many foodborne diseases can be transmitted by eating undercooked poultry.

Both microbes and pathogens can contaminate foods when they are not stored or cooked at the proper temperature.

Salmonella can be transmitted from eating raw chicken.

This disease can also be fatal if proper medical attention is not received.

Who is Jasmine White 403 on TikTok?
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