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Who is Pat Buchanan? Age, Wife, Net Worth

Welcome to TrustNews. In this article, we researched some facts about Pat Buchanan    and will share our   findings with you. The articles cover vital information about the Pundit. We will look at Pat Buchanan   ‘s biography, early life, net worth, wife, height, partner, and more. Continue reading to uncover facts about Pat Buchanan.

Who is Pat Buchanan?

American journalist, politician, broadcaster, and paleoconservative political commentator Patrick Joseph Buchanan. Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan all used Buchanan as an assistant and special consultant.

Pat Buchanan    Age: How old is Pat Buchanan?

Pat was born in Washington, D.C., on November 2, 1938. He is an 83-year-old American broadcaster, journalist, politician, and paleoconservative political pundit. 83 years old is Pat. Pat Buchanan is he Married Pat wed White House employee Shelley Ann Scarney. In 1971, the couple swapped their wedding bands.

Who is Pat Buchanan Wife?

Wife of Pat Buchanan He married Shelley Ann Scarney, a member of the White House staff, who was the love of his life. In 1971, the couple swapped their wedding bands. Gipper, the couple’s tabby cat, reportedly rested on Pat’s lap throughout staff meetings.

What Is Pat Buchanan Net worth?

Pat has reportedly amassed a net worth of up to $7 million, according to reliable sources, which he has acquired through a number of successful but diversified careers. Pat Buchanan has a $7 million net worth. Pat was raised in a household of six brothers and two sisters as the son of William Baldwin Buchanan and his wife Catherine Elizabeth.

Thanks for reading, we hope information, provided on this page gives you a fair knowledge about Pat Buchanan    Age, Parents, Partner, Siblings, Career, Net Worth, and more. Do share with us suggestions and corrections via the contact us page.

Who is Pat Buchanan? Age, Wife, Net Worth
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