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Meaning of Hollywood Symbolism as Kanye West warns against it

Kanye West was at Lakewood Church recently when all parents were asked to protect their children from the iconic Hollywood. If the term seems strange to you, we have found its meaning.

The rapper, known for his blunt statements and opinions, believes that children are influenced by what the media feeds them, which in turn causes children to forget their identities.

The concept of symbolism has always been around in Hollywood and has evolved over the years. This is what it means.

Photo by Rich Fury/VF20/Getty Images for Vanity Fair

Hollywood symbolism meaning

Symbolism is the art of giving a different or additional meaning to things or things to represent more than they really are.

At the same time, the symbolic Hollywood is the representation of the West in films and films, usually with certain ideas and symbols that create an impression on the audience.

However, the phrase has taken on different meanings over time as the concept of Hollywood symbolism has been defined differently by filmmakers over the years.

Through his speech, Kanye seems to have hinted that parents need to be careful of what the media portrays in terms of images and symbols because they are so far from reality.

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Examples of films that embodied the concept

In the nineteenth century, symbolism was central to literature. Movies made in this era were high on romance.

At the time, West represented unbridled wilderness and unrestrained beauty in films, which were characteristic of the dominant hero.

By the 20th century, filmmakers like John Ford began glorifying the West in films like redemption And the researchers. The hero will remain true to romance while representing American hegemony.

In the New Hollywood movement, films centered on blood and violence, and thus moved away from romance during the political uprising. movies like wild bouquet And the Pat Jarrett They are two good examples of that.

However, postmodern interpretations of the West contradict Romanticism and show the victory of evil over good. It would be the best example There is no country for old men.

Kanye West visits Lakewood Church

Lakewood Church in Joel Austin has hosted Kanye before. During last Sunday mass, the rapper was seen making a statement about Hollywood Symbolism on national television.

Kanye is no stranger to making big claims. He once went so far as to say he was the “greatest artist” God ever created.

You can read more about his recent visit to the church here.

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Meaning of Hollywood Symbolism as Kanye West warns against it
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