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NTC Portfolio Guidelines for Teachers 2021

NTC Portfolio Guidelines for Teachers 2021

NTC Portfolio Guidelines for Teachers 2021 . The National Teaching Council has announced the date for the commencement of this years’ assessment of teachers portfolio. This portal has also made a significant research on how to present a simple qualified teachers portfolio even in the mist of this preparation.

What is a Teaching Portfolio ?

A teaching portfolio is a coherent set of materials that represents your teaching practice as related to student learning. Begin your portfolio with a brief description of your teaching roles and responsibilities and other non-classroom teaching activities.

What is a Teaching Statement ?

Teaching statement is a concise description (no more than a page) of the central ideas behind your teaching. When writing your teaching statement, make clear why, how, and what you teach. It should be one to two pages in length. It is not an article on teaching and learning but rather a statement that describes your teaching experiences and explains your teaching practices.

What the Evidence of Effective teaching ?

  • Mid-term feedback (for example, TABS)
  • Sample course syllabi, homework assignments, and/or exams
  • Samples of completed student work (with their permission)
  • Methods used to evaluate/improve teaching

What are the NTC Portfolio Guidelines for Teachers 2021

Kindly take note that the portfolio assessment will cover the following areas and so every teacher is supposed to make them available for checking by the NTC officials. You don’t have to make everything in the list before you pass through the assessment process.

1) Evidence of at least 600 minutes of teaching in a term. It will be confirmed by your Head in a letter

2) Your personal Philosophy of teaching

3) Scheme of learning

4) Learning plans

5) Teaching method

6) Teaching Learning Resources

7) Formative and Summative methods of assessment

8) Identification of Learners learning needs

9) Professional Development

10) A report of at least 2 co-curricular activities you have taken part.

11) A report on core competence that you use in teaching.

12) 10 samples of learner’s work you have marked and graded.

13) Minutes of 3 formal meetings with your mentor or education officer

14) Evidence of In-service Training workshop

15) Your mentor’s comment on your work

16) Your headteacher’s final recommendation and sign off letter

NTC Portfolio Guidelines for Teachers 2021

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